A recent inventory of the MouseArchives and the absence of a major spring event at Disneyland spurred the Third Gate Games team to conceive of a new, small scale option for MouseAdventure: the Rewind game. Teams often ask about being able to play games that they missed after hearing about a specific quest or theme. Rewind allows teams who missed an event the first time around get a sampling of the quests, and allows us to also offer a non-competitive option for those new MouseAdventure, or who prefer a more leisurely pace.
MouseAdventure 365: Rewind is the first of two Rewind events this spring. Twenty-seven teams met at the picnic area on Sunday, May 7 after sending a captain to pick up their materials near the Mickey and Friends parking structure escalators. After receiving instructions in a manner that harkens back to the early days of MouseAdventure, the teams were off to Disneyland to meet the challenge with their 2014 MouseAdventure calendars in hand. If you hang on to that 2014 calendar, you’ll be able to use it again in 2025!
365 Rewind Quests
January – A New Year (50 points)
Teams received questions about items found in and around Critter Country, along with sheets of letters printed in colored 3-by-3 grids. Teams tore the corresponding colored grid according to their answers to create puzzle pieces. When properly arranged, the pieces formed the shape of a calendar month, and the letters printed on the pieces, read in the correct order, formed the question: “ANIMAL AT THE BASE OF THE HUNGRY SIGN”
- Correct answer – Beaver
March – In Like A Lion, Out Like a Lamb (30 points)
Building on the theme of “transformation” as it relates to New Orleans Square establishments, we gave teams the phrase “Dream Suite,” and directed them to “transform” that phrase into another familiar location name by answering a series of questions in and around New Orleans Square.
The end result read “YRELLAGYENSID” which, transformed once more by reading from right to left, spelled “Disney Gallery.” We asked teams for the name of the street where this location could be found in Disneyland.
- Correct answer – Main Street USA (Town Square was also accepted as an answer)
April – Egg Hunting (40 points)
A page of Easter eggs was decorated with designs and patterns taken from Toontown buildings. Teams were instructed to locate the building represented by each egg, and use the indicated letter from each establishment name to form another Toontown location. When read from left to right the letters revealed the location: Minnie’s Backyard.
Teams were asked what was “served” at that location. There is a tea pot and other table setting for a tea party under Minnie’s gazebo.
- Correct answer – Tea (or coffee)
May – Mother May I? (20 points)
We asked teams to answer a series of true/false questions in Fantasyland, then re-create a game of Mother May I using the answers provided by Mickey and his friends. For the final question, we asked which character crossed the drawbridge first.
- Correct answer – Minnie
June – Flag Day (30 points)
Flag Day asked teams to take a top-down view of the flags of Frontierland to solve a word problem. We provided teams with descriptions of 19 flags and a graphical representation of Frontierland, and asked them to connect the dots from one flag to the next.
As they completed the puzzle, the connecting lines crossed over words printed in the center of the map. When navigated successfully, the grid revealed the question: “In the year seventeen seventy five, who carried the famous rattlesnake flag with the motto don’t tread on me?”
Teams were provided with an errata sheet that contained the images of two signs removed since the game was originally played.
- Correct answer – Minute Men
July – 4th of July (30 points)
Everyone knows that the 4th (letter) of July is “y,” and we asked the teams to use the same method of indexing to solve this quest. We provided teams with descriptions leading to specific words up and down Main Street, and directed them to use the indicated letter from each word to form the phrase: “Home town fare.” The correct answer was the location that best fit the final phrase.
- Correct answer – Carnation Cafe
August – MouseAdventure Half Marathon (up to 91 points)
Some people claim that playing MouseAdventure is similar to running a half-marathon, so we decided to put that claim to the test for our August quest, which commemorated the Disneyland Half Marathon held every Labor Day weekend.
Teams began the half-marathon by obtaining an invalid FastPass from any machine in the park. Teams exchanged their FastPass card for their “Mile 1” clue card. After they returned to MouseAdventure Central with the correct answer to that question, they received their “Mile 2” clue card, and so on. Each question was worth points equal to that “mile,” so the point values started small but teams had the potential to earn up to 91 points by correctly completing all 13 “miles.”
Miles and Answers
- Level 3
- Edelweiss Snacks
- 25
- Gone Fishin’
- ‘Dis is the Back
- Big Bad Wolf
- Rey’s Speeder
- Bumping may occur
- Fishing
- Pick axe
- Blue Medal Ribbon
- Squirrel
- Jungle Medicine
September – Eye Spy (+5 points each)
In addition to providing a year’s worth of images from around the park, the MouseAdventure 2014 calendar also contained the Eye Spy images for this event.
Rather than asking teams to simply identify the location each photo was taken, we asked a question about the images. The months and the corresponding answers were:
- January – Our home in the trees
- February – White Rabbit
- March – Snacks
- April – (This eye spy was dropped due to a change in the location name)
- May – Happy Songs
- June – Escaping Passengers
- July – $3.29
- August – E.S. Bitz, DDS
- September – Six
- October – Every Cast
- November – Elias Disney
- December – Jewelry
Team Scores
A full list of teams and scores is available online.